U.S. Craft Brewery Tackers


The purpose of this gallery is to document tackers that have been produced for U.S Craft Breweries and Brewpubs.  For those of you who are unfamiliar with the term, in this context a tacker is a flat advertising sign used to promote a craft brewery or a specific brand of craft beer.  Tackers almost always have holes punched at strategic points so they may be “tacked” to a flat surface, typically a wall.  Tackers are thin, lightweight and are usually made of metal (most are aluminum) or, on rare occasions, plastic.  Many metal tackers are embossed so, strictly speaking, they are not flat but they are close enough to fit the definition.

This gallery contains a list of states and, for each state, a list of breweries that have utilized tackers for advertising.  Each listing will contain images of all known tackers used by that brewery.  The listing will be updated on a regular basis as images of  tackers become available.  If a tacker is part of a personal collection, appropriate acknowledgement will be noted in the listing.  To maintain consistency across the hobby, we will use a numbering and identification system similar to the ABA Beer Coaster website, www.ababeercoast.com.

So, the gallery will need your help!  If you own a tacker that is not pictured in the gallery, please submit a photo so that it can be properly included.  If you visit a brewery, taproom, beverage store, friend’s home and so on and notice a tacker that is not pictured in the gallery, please photograph it and send it along.  You can send the photos as email attachments to the CBCC email account at [email protected].  If at all practical, please note the dimensions of the sign and the material from which it is constructed.

Thanks and happy viewing.

Latest gallery updates 

January 11, 2025 – AR-SUPE-2, FL-ANKR-1 & 2, FL-BIGS-5, FL-PTYB-2, NC-WWD-5, NJ-CZIG-2, PA-WARW-1 & 2, TX-ALTS-3

January 20, 2025 – AK-KLON-2, CA-FRTR-1, CO-VERB-1, CO-WELD-4, FL-ISLA-5 thru 7, ME-ALA-21 & 22, MN-PANT-1, OK-COOP-5, PA-LVNT-2, PA-TIRE-3, PA-WORK-2,  (Upgrades – CA-KELL-1, IL-KCON-1, VA-OCO-1)    

February 6, 2025 – AZ-GOLD-1 thru 3, CA-HENH-2, CA-LITA-15, CA-TRK7-1, DE-DEWE-1, IL-BLHO-1, MA-SPRN-1, MD-RT40-1, NC-FOOT-5 & 6, NC-HLD-10, NY-HORS-1, NY-STBC-13, OH-BDOG-7, PA-DOUG-2, SD-SAWY-1

February 14, 2025 – AL-GOOD-7, AZ-FOUR-23 thru 28, IL-REV-8, ME-BAX-6, NY-MONT-14 thru 19, VT-SWT-5

February 25, 2025 – HI-MABC-16 & 17, MI-STRM-6, MS-CHAN-3, NM-BLU-1, OR-TEN-9 & 10, PA-VAUL-1, TX-PROJ-2, WI-NEWG-26 thru 28

States/District Menu


Key to Gallery Codes

Following is a sample listing from the gallery and an explanation of the abbreviations and format conventions that are used:


Round – 24″ diameter



State CodeBrewery CodeCatalog Number

Shape – Dimensions


State Code:  Two letter abbreviation for the state as defined by United States Postal Service codes.

Brewery Code:  Generally, the first three or four letters of the brewery name or an abbreviation that makes sense.

Catalog Number:  Sequence number for the image.  For breweries with mulitple tackers, this does not necessarily indicate the chronological order in which the signs were issued.

Shape:  Geometric shape of the sign.  For signs with no definable geometric shape, the term “Custom Cut” will be used.

Dimensions:  Size of the sign in inches.  For signs with unequal width and height dimensions, the width will be listed first (following conventions used in the construction industry).  For example, a rectangular sign 14 inches wide and 18 inches high will be listed as 14″ x 18″.

Material:  The material used in the construction of the sign.  The most commonly used materials are aluminum, steel and plastic.